
newest fashion statement: it doesn't have to fit together to fit together!

boooh! here a new outfit,worn by my sister.
actually we could call it streetstyle, because she wore this yesterday..but wait: the photos are taken inside! so i guess it's HOUSESTYLE or something.
she is wearing a cardigan which goes perfectly with the shirt, although most people wouldn't buy and put this together. but that's just what i love in fashion, you can mix and match whatever YOU, yeah, YOU like!
enjoy :)

H&M cardigan and shirt
Uniqlo Jeans
Renato Lucci Vintage Bag

2 Kommentare:

Isabella hat gesagt…

Ahahah, great statement! :D I don't like the cardigan so much, but I like the way it matches with the shirt...so, I think it's a good job :)


Patricia hat gesagt…

Like the purse!!